Historic Places

Booker T. Washington National Monument commemorates the life of this famous educator, writer, orator and presidential advisor. Located in Franklin County, Virginia, it preserves portions of the 207-acre tobacco farm on which educator and leader Booker T. Washington was born into slavery on April 18, 1856. Exhibits, films, farm, tours and special events tell of his remarkable rise from enslavement to being one of the most influential, but controversial, African Americans of his time.

Location: 12130 Booker T. Washington Highway Hardy, VA 24101
Phone: (540) 721-2094

Poplar Forest was for Thomas Jefferson a private retreat away from the public where he could indulge in his favorite pastimes of reading, studying and thinking. You are invited to go inside his private retreat, the home of his most personal architectural creations and the site of his individual pursuit of happiness.

Location: 1542 Bateman Bridge Road, Forest, VA 24551
Phone: 434-525-1806

On June 6th, 1944 United States soldiers, in one of the most pivotal battles of World War II, invaded the French coastline in order to propel German soldiers out of Western Europe and lead the way for victory against the tyrants of that era. Dedicated on June 6th, 2001 by president George W. Bush, the National D-Day Memorial was constructed in honor of those who died that day, fighting in one of the most significant battles in our nations history. By day’s end, nineteen of the company’s Bedford soldiers were dead. Two more Bedford soldiers died later in the Normandy campaign, as did yet another two assigned to other 116th Infantry companies. Bedford’s population in 1944 was about 3,200. Proportionally this community suffered the nation’s severest D-Day losses.

Location: 816 Burks Hill Road, Bedford, VA
Phone: (540) 587-5681

Visit the historic village of Appomattox Court House where Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. With over a dozen buildings, a museum, theater, and bookstore, we suggest allowing at least two hours for your visit.

Location: Appomattox, Virginia
Phone: (434) 352-8987 x226